Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Quiet and Cedar Fever

I have been MIA on the blog for a little bit.  I really have nothing worthy to talk about lately and the brain is just not working well enough to come up with some random post.  I have been trying to stay busy with various things around the house.  K is down with her back and has gone to the chiropractor for her first of several treatments to get her back to normal.  Along with that she is suffering from the onset of cedar fever.  She is highly allergic and the cedar pollen is apparently off the charts and it has just started.  I can last 2-3 months depending on the weather.  They say it will be worse this year due to all the wet weather we had at the opportune time for it to develop into what it is today.  So she stays inside to try and avoid it as much as possible.  She just feels miserable at times.   

I have been trying to come up with some ideas for K for christmas presents.  She is no help in that department in letting me know what might be a good gift.  I have a couple small things for her but that's it.  The coat she got at Costco that was to be a gift just didn't cut it and she took it back.  So the pressure is on to find at least one more gift or two.  At least shopping online keeps me from wandering around stores and malls.  Like I would do that anyway lol.  

I have finished the leather that will be part of the Granddaughter's gift.  Now to get it 'installed.'  We are way behind on gifts for everyone else too, not just each other.  I gave K a spending limit yesterday, that didn't go over well at all.  She will pretty much ignore me.  

The first baby shower for the new Grandchild is this Saturday.  K has to get out in the cedar pollen to go to that.  No way will she miss that.  I am glad that is a lady thing.  Unfortunately the timing isn't so great.  A close friend's mother passed away this past week and her funeral is the exact same time-in Lampasas.  There is a visitation on Friday evening.  That might be possible to attend, yet the cedar fever would even be worse going there.  It also means traveling in the dark on a non-lighted highway.  I don't do well driving that type of road at night and especially for a drive that may be near two hours.  We are also having some minor issues with our vehicles.  We will have to make our apologies and visit with them at their home a few days later.  They are close enough that this weighs heavy on us.

Buster, my fur buddy, is over 14 years old now.  He has been slowing down over the last couple years.  This year it is much more apparent and things are getting harder for him.  He now has to have help to stand up and falls when he gets off balance or trips over something.  We can see him get a little confused by some things when he first gets up from his many naps.  We have to take him out the front door all the time now since he can no longer climb the steps out back.  Consequently we have to go out with him every time for his bathroom breaks.  No accidents in the house yet thankfully.  The other day he was very anxious and we could tell he wanted something and we did everything we knew to do, but his smile was gone and he looked in distress a little.  The last thing we hadn't done was give  him a pain pill.  It seemed to be what he wanted, us to make it stop hurting.  We can usually tell when he is pain.  This was different, he was asking for help.  I guess the day when those pills no longer work will be the time a decision has to be made.  Not one I am looking forward to at all.  We don't want him suffering and will do what is necessary.


Old NFO said...

It's truly hard to lose a pet, they are members of the family. Hope K gets better, and things work out.

Randy said...

Old NFO-agreed completely, thanks