Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Plan

This past week we met with the Chiropractor and went over the MRI.  It was worse than I thought considering how I feel most of the time.  We found out things I probably didn't want to know.  My neck has several bulging discs and spurs and several other issues that squeeze my spinal cord.  My lower back has a couple jacked up vertebrae and discs and other issues also.  Two of those vertebrae are not where they are supposed to be and have visibly deteriorated enough that my untrained eye could see it before he explained what was going on.  He also said he would normally send me to a surgeon before he did anything.  How many Chiropractors would say that?  He will try to help me out to avoid surgery in the future, but only surgery will actually fix my lower back.  Hopefully his plan is designed to decompress the discs that are being impacted enough to stave off the seemingly inevitable.  I asked him 'how long before I am in a wheelchair'?  He said that we would try to hold that off as long as possible.  Not the real answer I was looking for.

He laid out the plan for me, 20 treatments of decompressing the discs along with a couple other things they do to me while I am there.  Two hours time to get that all done, 3-4 times a week.  My next month will be spent trying to get this wore out back in shape enough to last a few more years.  

This is what I go through for my lower back.  This machine stretches you to decompress the discs ( I didn't get a photo of my neck stretch).

They warp you all up very tightly that you feel like things are getting squeezed that shouldn't be squeezed and then apply weighted pressure for about 20 minutes.  The weight increases 10 lbs every day.  I'm at 40 lbs after 3 treatments.  I want them to be aggressive since we are only doing 20 of these.  I want results so I want to push my limits.  The neck stretch on the 'rack' is much much lower.  I'm only at 8 lbs but I feel the soreness after.  Hey, maybe I will gain that 1 inch height I have lost over the years with all this stretching.  For the vertically challenged that's a big deal.

I also get to wear this lovely thing all day every day.  

I don't mind at all really, it just hampers me doing a few things easily.  Things I shouldn't be doing at this point lol.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have really serious pain most of the time.  Usually around the 2-5 point scale of 10 almost constantly.   If I could keep it at this lower level I could tolerate it a long time.  There are a few times it gets to the 9-10 level but does not last long.  That higher level is caused usually because I did something I know I should not have.  I just want to stay on top of this and keep the bad pain at bay a while longer.  I also could tell things were getting a little worse over the last few months.  

Once these 20 treatments are over, he says we should proceed with a maintenance plan of 3-4 times per year.  I can do that.  I am hopeful and looking forward to the results.  I just have to not be lazy and take care of myself the way I am instructed.  That means he will give me exercises to keep it in shape.  I hate exercising so that will be a struggle to keep up with since I am a big couch potato. 

Happy Trails


CenTexTim said...

I was always skeptical about chiropractors, until I went to one. I didn't have all your issues, but I was having some significant pain. We went through the treatment period and then into the maintenance phase. I also was assigned exercises to do. Bottom line - it helped quite a bit. And I if I slack off on my exercises my back reminds me after a few days. So hang in there and do the exercises. It might take some time, but you'll feel better in the long run.

Randy said...

Hey CenTexTim-good to hear from you. Thanks for the advice. Don't be a stranger

Old NFO said...

Yep, I went through that too. It does work! Knocked my pain down to a 2-3 from a 5-6. And yes, DO the exercises and maintenance. It's WORTH IT!