Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I am finally getting over the near fatal man flu.  Well, that's what I tell the wife anyway.  I thought it was just allergies but it turned into some sort of infection that really took the desire to do anything at all out of me.  I don't know, maybe that part is permanent.  I still don't feel like doing much and I have a growing list of things that need attending to, mostly yard work.  The thought of stirring up all that dust while I still have some residual effects on my breathing just doesn't make me want to hurry out and do that.  It is hard enough to try and do the bit of exercise I have been doing over the last month or so.

I am working on a small leather sheath to hold the multi-tool I plan to give to my little buddy before he moves away.  I found a piece of alligator embossed leather I had forgotten about.  I think that will be rather unique.  I will post a couple pics when it's done.  I wish I could come up with a realistic color pattern for it, but the brown fade will have to do.  

I also didn't realize how much those multi-tools could cost.  Wow, the one called a leatherman can get very pricey.  I have a couple of the multi-tools but they are some other brand.  They were gifted to me.  I really don't ever use them like a lot of folks do.  They are just not my thing.  I would much rather just carry my pocket knife than some bulky tool.  I have just not found a real need for it.  After a little search online I was able to find an acceptable priced tool that seems to be well made.  In fact it was very cheap compared to most of the others.  

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

I carry one in my range bag, and ALWAYS had one on my belt when I went to sea... It saved me a lot of work and delays a couple of times!

Randy said...

Old NFO-yes, I know quite a few folks that swear by them and I can see their usefulness. Once I became mostly an office worker I just didn't need it enough to carry one on my belt along with a cell phone.