Friday, April 14, 2017

Trip to the Alamo

I don't know how many times I have been to the Alamo in my life.  I have never come away disappointed, until my most recent trip.  It was unbelievably crowded.  Most of it consisted of kids on school field trips.  I am glad they get a chance to learn about our Texas history, but from what I could see they weren't very engaged, at all.  Especially the older middle school age kids.  They were more interested in blocking the walkways to visit with each other.

Then there was this guy, I thought I was in Cali or somewhere but he had a Texas firefighter shirt on.

Not what you expect to see on an elderly man in Texas.  He also had something in the other ear.
Sorry I just don't get it.

We made this trip especially for the James Bowie exhibit they had been advertising.  I was already in a somewhat unhappy mood due to the future that is planned for the Alamo that I read about yesterday.
Then after spending 15$ to park when the sign clearly read 5$ ( the fine print is what got me) and deal with the crowds, I was hoping to see some really good exhibits I had never seen before.

There were very few artifacts of which none were related to Jim Bowie, except for one knife his brother Rezin had made for a friend.  Everything else looked like posters with excerpts about his life, things I had already read and known about.  This is what was there for the most part without the posters.  Almost everyone of these knives were reproductions, others were very late knives that were to show what they looked like over the years.

This is a part of one of the posters

These are the knives they had

There were a few other knives but I didn't care by this point.  I have never spent such a short time at the Alamo.  After a quick run through the gift shop we left without spending anymore.

Disappointed to say the least, but I will be able to forewarn a friend that is interested in going.

Happy Trails


Harry Flashman said...

Sounds like a lot has changed out there since I passed through in 1979.

Old NFO said...

Thanks, I won't waste the time/money for that exhibit... dang it...

Anonymous said...

I just moved to Texas on April 1st from Comifornia and those are the weirdos I was trying to get away from! Being in Texas is like being in America for the 1st time in 20 years. It's a shame too, Comifornia used to be a great place to live but the libs have destroyed it. It was such a relief when I crossed into Arizona since the morons in comifornia made me a criminal due to the fact that I have 30 round mags and a AR, that I bought legally in 98, in comifornia but refused to register it with the state as an assualt weapon!