Thursday, December 19, 2019


My Mother's ankle is not broken.  She is making slow progress but it is progress.  She still is reluctant to do things to help it out much, like wearing the boot we brought over and especially using ice.  She hates the ice.  That is until yesterday.  'K' got her to use it again and she was amazed her ankle felt better as soon as it was on....again.  LOL.  'K' has been over there since Sunday afternoon and will be back today.  Yea!  She has been making her do things she probably would not have without her insistent prodding.  I went over yesterday and when she had the boot on she was using the walker to get around.  I went and got them some lunch and brought the baby with me.  The baby brings her much joy and that is the point.  However she tires very quickly.  I assume that is due to her being less active and the stress of the pain.  It all adds to her anxiety.  She has also been confused about things.  We won't leave her alone to fend for herself until the confusion clears up.  But that still concerns me.  She will not under any circumstances move in, even temporarily with my Brother or I.  It would have made it easier to care for her and we could sleep in our own bed etc.  But it would be very hard on her, maybe worse considering everything and how she is such a creature of habit.  Not sure if tonight is the night we leave her alone or not.  I will leave that in 'K's' hands since it will fall to her to stay most likely.  Not sure what our family would do without her, 'K' I mean.  I hope the others realize it as much as I do, but I doubt it.

One good thing is we have most of the Christmas shopping done.  Doing it online gives us more time to deal with Mom and her needs.  So there is less rush there.  My oldest Granddaughter had requested I make her a leather book cover for a journal.  After 2 attempts, after two screw ups, I had one mostly finished.  It was a little smaller than I needed it to be to fit easily.  So I have been making adjustments to make it fit better.  I may have messed the entire thing up.  I messed up the finish.  If I can't fix that, I will have to start over TODAY in order to get it done in time.  I can't explain what my problem is with all the errors I have made on this thing.  I assume that leather work has been to far out of my mind for too long and have lost some of my mojo.  Use it or lose it.  Disgusted with myself.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Glad to hear there is some good news with your mother!