Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Rough Times For the Neighbors

I noticed some strange activity across the street from me yesterday afternoon.

There was a moving company hauling all this out of the house.  No truck was in sight.  Of course with the haphazard way of stacking things it didn't look good.  No one wants to see this happen to anyone.  My curiosity got the better of me and I headed over to speak to one of the movers.  He told me it was an eviction of renters and the guy was a cop and he didn't care.  To make a long story short, it was a divorce and the story about eviction, I think it was a lie to cover up what the wife was doing.  She wanted me to take a 60+ inch TV that was laying on the mattresses.  No thank you.  My concern was what was going to happen to everything.  I was told that she hoped the owner would show up and get his stuff.  She had no plans or care for what became of all this.  Later that evening the husband showed up with a moving van and hauled it all away.  I am sure he is pissed.  His big TV was taken by that scavenger you see in the photo.  He crammed that thing into a very small Nissan car.  No idea how he managed that.  There were other things taken too.  The brown couch and chair were placed in the front yard of the next door neighbor.  They didn't get to keep it since the husband showed up before they could get it inside.  I won't allow myself to profit off something like this.  To me it is nothing short of theft.  Others, not so much apparently.  My conscious is clean.

Son#2 called for us to come take the baby for a bit so he could get some work done.  She was having a rough day since she is cutting teeth.  We wound up keeping her overnight.  She tries hard to be good and is mostly very happy, but when those gums start hurting she is too uncomfortable to be very pleasant.  She is having a rough morning too.  We were going to bring her back early as we are both hurting here and there and taking care of her when she is having a bad time is pretty hard on our old bones.  But taking her back when she is having such a rough time is no help to her Dad.  So we are keeping her at least through Noon to give him as much time as possible.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Truly sad for the neighbor. Glad you got some time, even if teething, with the little one!