Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Teaching the Older Grands

The birthday party last Saturday went pretty well.  The 'Nugget' seemed to have a great time having all the focus on her.  Well, it's always focused on her.  but this time there were many more than just Nani and Poppy.  And I didn't eat too much.

We will head out shortly to pick up the two older Grands.  they will spend the night with us while their parents go to some concert.  I will head over to Academy and pick up some targets and replenish my 9 mm ammo.  I will try to teach them some basic handgun by using my air pistol.  Plus it gives me practice finding my sights, grip and stance.  I also want to practice sighting using both eyes.  I tried that at the range and stopped before I started.  I need practice drawing from a holster/concealed, especially since I will be part of our church security.  Using the air pistol will allow me to practice more often and not put it off until I get a rare range visit.  I also will re sight my pellet rifle.  I have been missing those pesky squirrels.  Hope the kids think it's fun and they gain a little knowledge about gun safety.  I am not sure they have ever been exposed to firearms.  They aren't too young being 10 and almost 13.  

Happy trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Good age to start training! And yes, airsoft IS a valid practice method!