Monday, November 9, 2020

When Do We Start?

I'm new to this so please forgive me.  I have been waiting since last Wednesday on word of when we do what the left does when they don't get their way in elections or most anything these days?  But alas I have not had any contact with those that organize these things or gotten a list of places.  Target seems a natural.  See what I did there?  Walmart?  Best Buy?  The loser of the last election encouraged her followers telling them to 'resist.'  They did just that and it has gotten worse every year since then.  Even now they are still upset that President Trump has not conceded.  There is nothing anywhere that says this is something that must be done.  It has been done out of courtesy.  How can 'those' people not see how evil they are in comparison? 

The media has gotten even worse with their hatred of the President.  Instead of looking into all the many accusations and video evidence all over the www they say that the President's claim of voter irregularities are false and there is no evidence.  In the past, the media would take on the investigation of any claims of wrong doing and bring it to light, with the slightest of evidence.  Not any more if it implicates the left.  

I fear what may be coming.  11 million people will get amnesty.  How do you think they will vote?  The borders will become more porous.  Oh, you say they won't have the right to vote since they aren't citizens, I laugh in your face.  

I have resolved to go on as best I can and only worry about what I can control in my on little world.  I am getting to old to get too worked up at this point in my life and keep my sanity.  I do worry about the world my children and grandchildren will have to live in after I am gone if not before.  

Does it sound like I have given up?  I don't mean it to, I hold out hope.  I am doing what I can to support efforts to make sure the results are right.  

I pray often, Lord come quickly. 


Old NFO said...

I have the same worry... We do what 'we' can and leave the rest up to the man upstairs.

Don Hamilton said...

This is a great philosophy for so many. Thanks for putting it in writing.

"I have resolved to go on as best I can and only worry about what I can control in my on little world. I am getting to old to get too worked up at this point in my life and keep my sanity. I do worry about the world my children and grandchildren will have to live in after I am gone if not before. "

Randy said...

@Don Hamilton-Thanks, I never really thought of it as a 'philosophy' but it is part of my Faith in the good Lord. Thanks for coming by and taking the time to comment