Monday, June 20, 2022

Vet, Tomatoes, and Eye Update

We took the new pup (Abby) to the vet last Friday.  I was anxious to get her in so we could get her flea and tick meds.  I had found a flea on me the other day and you sure don't want them to get a foothold inside.  We had a couple concerns too.  Her breath is pretty bad and I was suspecting a bad tooth or something else.  Also she seems to be a little overweight, which can be really hard on dog, especially with the excessive heat and her long black floof.  Yes, she is overweight.  Last January the previous owner told us she weighed 11.5 lbs.  Friday she tipped the scales at 13.2 lbs.  That's a huge increase on such a small pup.  The Vet wants us to get her back to 11 lbs.  She also has a bad tooth.  The wide tooth on the back is cracked and food is getting in there causing the bad breath and possible other issues.  So 'K' is getting ready to take her back to the Vet this morning for a teeth cleaning.  X-rays on the tooth to check the root.  It may have to be removed if the crack is down into the root.  Yeah this was/is a very expensive Vet visit. Who knows of that tooth bothers her at all, dogs are great at hiding pain.  Maybe getting it fixed up will help with some of her timidity.  I don't know, we just want her to be happy and well.  She is growing so much(presonality) and is actually playing with Snickers.  Neither seem to know how to play with another dog but they can make their own way.  I know Snickers is smitten.  And she follows him around and is learning the ropes around here by watching him.  She even protects us from the Amazon guys.  

As for me, I have another appointment for my previous cataract surgery next month.  They have been very disappointed with my progress or lack of on my right eye.  It has actually gotten worse over the last three check ups.  Everything is still out of focus.  They have determined that I have developed scar tissue around the area of the new lens.  This scar tissue is pushing on the lens causing it to be out of focus.  They will make some cuts all around that new lens in the scar tissue and even where there is none in order for it to fall back where it needs to be.  Hoping this works well and I can finally move along with getting the prescription readers and my drivers license adjusted.

Tomato plants have really slowed production but look very healthy.  I blame the excessive heat we have been having and continue into this week.  I tried canning a few using a method I found on You Tube.  I takes whole lot more tomatoes than I had to make it worth the time.  Next year Tomato plant numbers will double hopefully.  I think I will be pulling up potatoes around July 4.  They say 100 days and that should be right.  The greenery is turning yellow which is to be expected.

This was a lot of tomatoes, maybe 20 and I got 2.75 pints.  Ugh.

It's been fun watching her grow and play and see some of her personality

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Sorry to hear about the cataract issues. And yes, pulling the dog's tooth IS going to be the best option.