Thursday, November 12, 2020

Paint and Idiot Parents

I have only been able to paint on part of one day this week so far.  But in that time I managed to get the section I started mostly finished.  Still need to caulk some bad spots on the trim and then paint the trim.  Then I will move on to the other sections.  Namely the chimney first.  It looks the worst since it is discolored by something I will try to scrub off.  The rest of this week has been very humid and misty for the first part of the day.  Everything is wet.  Once the weather gets back to drier conditions I will start again.  Plus having the Granddaughter here slowed things anyway.  

As for the Granddaughter being here, it was not on the radar.  Her Mom is a teacher at a charter school.  She found out one of her students was sick, fever etc.  His older brother told his teacher that he was sick and his parents told him to go to school and don't tell anyone.  I know this happens all the time, but right now with this china flu that is just wrong.  We went and got the baby so she could avoid possibly being exposed.  As it turns out the kid tested negative.  I don't know if my daughter-in-law was tested but we took the baby home last night.  She was a great distraction for us with all this craziness going on.  The mother of the child called my daughter-in-law and was very apologetic.  What a d*&%$!  

As I was typing this I found out that my daughter-in-law has been exposed to a coworker with the kung flu and is being sent home.  She is on her way to get tested.  I don't know if we get the baby back yet or not.  Just trying to keep her safe as possible.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Wow, that's...pretty sad/stupid of the parents.