Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Are You Surprised?

I didn't get much sleep last night.  Went to bed at midnight thinking the President would be reelected only to find the lefties were hard at work.   Got up at 4 and everything had turned.  But, seriously, I never imagined this election would go any other way.  I knew it would be controversial one way or another.  I knew there would be accusations of vote tampering.  What I did not expect was for it to be so obvious and blatant.  I thought the lefties were more sneaky than that.  They obviously have lost all pretense of being above board and have no respect for our election process or the American people.  They don't give damn(sorry but I can't think of a better word) at all what anyone thinks.  They have the media behind them to influence and spin it.  They knew this all along.  Specifically in regard to the states that suspended counting votes when it appeared Trump was running away with the vote in those states.  The media never went with that.  Now that the count has resumed, they suddenly find 200K votes, all for Biden.  How does that work?  It doesn't.  There is no way I will ever believe that is remotely possible.  It's a blatant lie and theft of the election.  We have become a Banana Republic.  

Update on the rescue dog.  We called the Humane society to check if we could come visit him again.  They informed us that his family came forward and claimed him.  That is just great.  We are certainly happy for him and his family.  We could tell he was a special pup.  We are a little bit disappointed, but that disappointment is tempered by the fact he is where he belongs.  

The painting is ongoing.  We only last about 3 hours straight before we call it.  The job is requiring more paint than previous times.  The siding was in much worse shape than I realized.  It is soaking up the paint like crazy.  I obviously put it off too long.  Maybe 3-4 years.  But surgeries etc prevented anything like painting outside.  Consequently we haven't made as much progress as I had expected.  Plus we will need much more paint than we anticipated.  One good thing is that we have hit the worst places and the rest isn't in as bad a shape.  The other is that I still have the most difficult spots to hit to finish the side of the house we started.  Up high near the peak of the roof.  I would guess about 18'.  So I have to use a single tall ladder to reach those spots while holding a bucket of paint.  

I think today will be a day off from painting.  I was anxious to take advantage of the great weather and get as much done as possible.  But my back gets stove up and I have to stop.  And the Granddaughter is coming to stay a day or two.  That is the perfect reason to stay off a ladder.

Tell me your thoughts on the election. 

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

It's a family blog, so I will just say, insert four letter words here, and leave it at that.