Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Late Monday Post...Again

Yes, I'm late posting again.  I just crawled down from the roof.  I was painting the chimney finally.  I will have to go back up again tomorrow to finish it off, the trim.  I had planned on doing that earlier in the week.  But things got tangled up with a can of paint that was the wrong color.  When they show you the color they have come up with to match what you brought them, look in the can to see how it compares and not just the little dab they place next to your sample.  It looked great on the small sample.  Got it home and opened it, no way.  Not even close.  We have a dark rustic red trim, what they mixed for me was decidedly purple tint.  Got that straightened out Monday after them trying multiple times.  

Tuesday was my regular 6 month checkup for my diabetes.  My numbers were much better than I expected.  So I immediately went out and bought me some of those flaming hot Cheetos.  I crave those things but they jack up my blood sugars.  It was a smallish bag and I only eat a handful at a time.  It was a one time treat.  It was either those of the flaming hot Fritos.  I love those things.

I get on Twitter and follow a lot of conservative folks.  I get a lot of information there in short bits.  However I am getting a little aggravated with some of those people and their constant tweets about the election fraud and how some new information they have is a bombshell or what one of The Presidents lawyers says, 'they are going to release the Kracken.'  Everything assures the reader that there is enough fraud to overturn the election.  This has been going on ever since the election.  Nothing has come of it yet.  Not even a hint.  They need to PUT UP OR SHUT UP!  They aren't any better than the democrats doing that crap.

Put in a generic application with an Aussie rescue.  Saw one they took in we are interested in.  It may be several months before he is ready to go to his furever home, but I want it in ahead of time so we don't miss out again as we have on 3 others.  

OK, I need lunch.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Yeah, paint matching is an art, rather than the science they say it is... sigh Good luck getting a new pup!