Monday, June 24, 2024

Property Appraisal Protest

Monday morning I will be placing a call in to the Appraisal District for a formal protest of my home's appraisal.  I made an online protest and they offered a lower amount that I was not happy with.  So a formal protest is my alternate method offered.  I think I have a good case but convincing others is the trick/key.  I don't have to actually meet in person as I have in the past, we can do it via Zoom.  Glad I won't have to drive into the city.  

Tuesday the AC guys are rescheduled to return after not being able to make the first appointment.  I hope we can get it done.  The farther into the Summer we get the busier they get.  If they get an emergency like they have on previous occasions I can get rescheduled several times before they actually show up.  Over the years my appointments have moved from April to mid to late June.    

Our dog Sickers has allergies that make him scratch a lot.  We had gotten him injections that worked pretty well in the past.  They are no longer effective and we have resorted to pills.  They work OK but not near enough.  I try to keep the grass shorter than usual too.  His legs are so short he usually is dragging parts in the grass.  Once July gets here it seems to get better until late fall and we have to go through that again for about six weeks.  Our other dog, Maggie, will also get these same allergies but mostly in the fall.  Poor Snickers will scratch raw spots on himself.  Then at night, he sleeps in our bed, and he will wake you up with scratching sometimes.  Poor little guy.

Wish me luck on our protest.

Happy Trails

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