Monday, June 10, 2024

Record Heat

Around Wednesday last week San Antonio recorded a record for heat index at 117*.  Never before had we had anything that high.  It is mostly due to the heavy humidity we are expriencing.  At my place just north has only had a high of 97* (no idea what my heat index was) while SA has had several days exceeding 100*.  That is unusual for June.  It bodes a very warm Summer as some of the predicters have predicted.  We certainly could use a break.

Today I have the AC guys out for a check up of our unit.  Nothing is wrong, just want it checked out to avoid any future issues if I can.  Thursday is a revisit with the Pain Management Doc.  While I am not pain free completely I am much better than before.  So I am guessing we will continue as is and use his services once the current procedure stops working. 

Hopefully I can get started on re-painting the kitchen cabinets that the contractor messed up a few years ago.  I will have to sand down to wood in much of the area needing paint that should have been done before it ever got any paint.  I have learned much since then.  The wrong paint was used and just because it says 'cabinet paint' on the can doesn't make it so.  Also, when the contractor hands you his card with his name and company saying he is a paint contractor means little to nothing.  While they may be able to spread paint around, the lack of attention to detail is very telling.  It really shows up with our kitchen colors.  I wouldn't have him back to even fix what he did.  We didn't choose him.  He was part of the crew that fixed the water damage job we had a few years ago, I had no real choice.

Happy Trails

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