Monday, June 17, 2024

AC No Show

The AC guys had to reschedule due to wet weather delaying them at another loction so we set a date for 2 weeks away.   I just hope they don't have to reschedule again for another two weeks away.  It's happened before.  It messes up your day when you are waiting on them so you can go on with other things and then they don't come.  Ugh.

Quick visit with the Pain Doc last week.  I have been doing pretty well and we agreed another ablation is not needed at this time but he did let me know we could do the steroid injection if I think I need it.  I will check back in three months.

I have also been trying to get things squared away with my prescription insurance/Pharmacy.  What a gigantic pain.  My insurance rebids the contract every 6 years and when that happens some of the meds I have been on for years have to be changed to another brand etc.  This time instead of telling me the available alternatives they want the doctor to prescribe the replacement.  The doc does not know what my insurance covers but they won't tell me what is available (and it's no where online) so I can inform the doctor.  They are hoping to force the doctor to call them.  That just delays me getting meds for almost two weeks.  Luckily I have enough  on hand this time to get me far.  They have had this information since they bid the contract last year and had my records of all the meds yet they wait until I need a refill to let me know instead of making arrangements to get this settled ahead of time so I won't run out.  Hair pulling to say the least.

I also got 'K's jalopy into the tire shop to get a vibration taken care of.  It's better but still feel a slight virbration, althought it's better.  Who knows, maybe the tire is out of round or we wore a spot in the tire from it being unbalanced.  'K' doesn't notice it, and didn't before either.  I am leaning toward it being the roads being worse than they should be which is truly possible here.  Road ride quality has really slipped since my days working in that field.  No pride of ownership since the inspectors are all now contractors.  What a scam.

Happy Trails

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