Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Exciting Things Happening

First to catch up a bit.  My home appraisal protest was successful.  They were running very late so my meeting was conducted informally by phone with an appraiser.  He had reviewed my evidence and was agreeable to lower the appraisal a significant amount.  Not as much I had hoped for but I didn't hesitate when he threw out the numbers.  

The AC check up went good, but I did have him replace the electricty distributor.  It had been arcing but was still working. I wanted it changed to avoid any issues during the heat of the summer.  If it went out then they are way to busy to drop everything and come fix it fat enough to avoid getting too hit.  

And just like clockwork Snickers allergies have subsided.  He is not scratching constantly and we don't have to give him any meds for that.

Now for the most exciting thing.  Monday morning our new Grandson made his debut.  Jaxon Wyatt weighed in at 6lbs 12 ozs.  Not big at all but he is 3 weeks earlier than they had predicted.  The doc decided he should come early because the measurements they make were saying he should come three weeks early.  This was done by ceserean section not on his own.  I have to say I have some pretty good looking GrandKids and this one is no slouch.

I have tried to upload a couple photos of Jaxon but blogger has changed things and the upload has changed enough I can't figure it out for now.  I will work on it and try to sort this out.

Another thing.  I mentioned a while back I would stop posting in the near future.  That date is coming up fast.  I have an appointment with my urologist coming up and if everything is good I believe he will release me and there will be no more visits with him regarding my prostate cancer.  We will hit the 10 year mark in his book.  It's actually Dec 2 but he is going by the year it was detected not the date it was removed.   Since I started this blog to document my journey with cancer (for the most part) I think that is a good time to call it quits here.  It will actually be a day or so after that appointment depending on good results.  July 25 is the appointment and I will wrap it up soon there after.  I told you I wouldn't leave you hanging.  

Happy Trails




CenTexTim said...

Congratulations * 3

Congrats 1 on the appraisal protest. I've been through that mill a few times in the county next to you. Sometimes I think they appraise property high on purpose. If the owners pays, they get extra $. If the owner protest, they can lower the appraisal and get some good public relations, while still pocketing a significant amount of $.

Congrats 2 on the grandson. Hope mother and child are doing well.

Congrats 3 on beating the cancer. I just passed my 5 year checkup after a bout with throat cancer. So far, so good. 10 years is awesome!

Randy said...

Thanks for coming by CenTexTim. Great to hear about you still beating cancer. I agee with you take on the appraisal process and Mom and Gandson are all well.