We have been hearing quite a bit about the cold front due to hit our area tonight. It's not supposed to be above freezing all day tomorrow and into Friday. This is not a common occurrence here since we are so far South but it does happen. So I told 'K' if she wanted to go anywhere, today is her last chance for a couple days. I had forgotten she just came back from visiting my Mom and helping her with some things. But she said she was thinking about going to the grocery store for a few things. Not what I had in mind at all. I told her if she was really going she needed to go within the next 30 minutes and hope for the best. She went. Surprisingly the shelves were full and about as busy as a normal day. That means it was busier than usual since she went before 9AM. She heard on the radio that one HEB was so crowded they had no baskets to use. I'm sure that was probably yesterday and may well be like that later. The hordes will descend on the groceries in the next 18 hours. Not me, I would gladly just do without than deal with those crowds. People just lose all their sense and have blinders on. They are totally unconcerned about what they are doing and how they behave and it is even worse when it is this type situation. 'K' got home unscathed lol.
Fair warning, politics;
I am a grass roots conservative when it comes to my politics. I have been pretty disgusted with our current Governor, Greg Abbott. With this latest arctic blast that is coming, the power grid here in Texas is in the crosshairs. Three months ago our RINO governor promised that the 'light would stay on' this winter and that the power grid was safe. Yesterday he says, 'no one can promise' there would not be a 'load shed,' meaning rolling blackouts. So he was lying when he said it three months ago. He was gambling since statewide arctic weather is rare here. Now he sees this one coming may bite him. But he knows the voter memory is short or his is. I know he is loved here in Texas, but most of those folks only listen to his sound bites. They don't know that he never follows through. Well how do I know? I subscribe to grassroots emails/newsletters. If you want to keep up with a quick easy to read news of Texas politics, I recommend you sign up for a free news email (daily). Go here: Texas Scorecard. You'll learn more about what's going on in Texas Gov't. than you ever have. No I wasn't asked to do this, I just think this is a good source of info. They have information on candidates running for office you would never know otherwise. It is eye opening. There are a couple others, if you want links to them hit me up in the comments.
Happy Trails
I have friends & family in the power generation structure here in Texas, and the word we got in the weeks after snow-mageddon 2021 was this: most of the natural gas fired generation plants in Texas (60% of our generation capabilities?) are fed by pipelines that originate in w.Texas, and terminate in the gulf-coast export terminals. These plants feed off the same pipelines that supply city gas to many towns & cities, and export LNG, and as the demand rose that Sunday night & into Monday, the pressure in the pipelines dropped enough that 12 or 15 of the working plants went into auto-shutdown mode. Even as the exports continued. Continued the whole week, until Wednesday or Thursday when Abbot FINALLY got around to shutting exports down. Some of these plants have 3-4 day start-up procedures (my FIL wrote a shit load of these), a few have weeks-long start ups, so once they were down, they stayed down. Had a plan been in place to shut off the export terminals, we might have been able to keep the grid up. Losing the 10%-ish wind generation capability, or the few coal fired plants that froze up would not have been enough to wreck it. Unless/until we have in place a way to stop the LNG leaving the state, we could have a similar event. It sounds like Abbot isn't going to take care of business, once again.
Jeb Texas-This makes more sense than anything else I have read. I'm sure others would like to know more. Can you please contact me via email? texian1834@yahoo.com
Jeb makes a great point, and matches some of the 'rumor mill' we were hearing up here from the local gas folks.
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