Monday, September 6, 2021

Gutters, Virus and Abandoned Americans

I got a call from the contractor that I hired to install gutters.  Just like everyone else, supply is a problem.  The materials needed (roll of red aluminum) has not arrived.  They were told it has been shipped but they don't know when it will get here.  And they are not sure it has red aluminum in the shipment.  They were hoping to know more by today.  Well, being labor day, I doubt I will hear anything.  I'd like to get it over with but there is no real rush.  There isn't anything I can do anyway, the supply issues affects everyone that does this work.  So we wait.

A couple things I have been wondering about have been answered somewhat.  Well at least one issue has been.  

First: The one that has been resolved.  I'm sure you are aware that this COVID vaccine isn't a true vaccine.  There is no immunity that a true vaccine provides.  This version we have manipulates your RNA so it spikes a protein and that helps your body fight the virus but no immunity.  I was wondering if they are actually working on a true vaccine during this time but no one has even talked about that that I have seen.  This is how it was explained to me.  This COVID-19 is a corona virus.  There are any number of viruses that fall under the corona label.  One is the cold virus.  They have worked on making vaccines for these viruses for years yet not one has been developed.  It mutates too quickly for any vaccine to be developed is how it was explained to me.  That is one reason there has never been one developed for the common cold.  In fact, they have never been able to create a vaccine for any corona virus.  That makes sense to me, I am not sure I can make it understood.  But it answers my question about a true vaccine.  If anyone is trying to work on it we may never know and the likelihood of success is nil.

Second; If you are like me, I have been appalled by what has happened in Afghanistan.  To our troops that were still there (and died needlessly), the abandoning of our Afghan allies, the billions of dollars in still operable military equipment and lastly Americans left behind.  My emotions have ran the gamut.  

The billions of dollars worth of equipment we left.  Why?  I cannot fathom why it was left, even less why left still operable.  This is an intelligence gold mine for our enemies.  The software alone that operates much of it will now be sold to China, Russia and whoever else has the $$ to pay the Taliban.  Our security is comprised.  All of these pieces of equipment are not only going to be copied but now they will be compromised on the battlefield.  Why?  I have some crazy assumptions but I see no other reason that deals were made and payoffs were accepted.  If that is the case and even if it is just a stupid oversight, it falls under 'aiding and abetting' the enemy.  There is a single word name for that.  

The abandoned Americans.  This one was and is really hard to get my head around.  I may have uttered a few vulgar words out loud.  I recently read a commentary (click the link) that gives me a moment to pause.  Some of it seems logical, other is hard for me to grasp.  I was told by a third party that there had been 17,500 non-military non-government Americans that had not evacuated in Afghanistan when all this got critical.  That number seems way too high.  Yet if you take the time to read the article it makes sense.  Also, it makes sense why we aren't seeing the crying families of those abandoned on TV we normally would.  My thoughts are still jumbled about this so I will stop on this one.  Oh, and that third party, they confirmed the Pineapple Express  was the real deal.  

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Yep, supply chain is STILL AFU... But it's finally coming back to semi-normal. Why was the equipment left? Ask Biden... He was driving the bus. No, it should NOT have been.

CenTexTim said...

Task Force Pineapple - doing what our current government is unwilling and unable to do. Bravo Zulu.