Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Random Thoughts-a Bit off the Reservation

I'm late posting.  But I have been trying to get some outdoor work in early before it gets too hot.  By the time I get finished I don't even think about posting here since it takes a lot out of me, especially with the humidity.

Yesterday was the second year anniversary of my Dad's passing.  'K' went to spend the day with her so she wouldn't be alone.  My presence seems to add stress to her so it was good that 'K' was there.  She had a good day.  They even went to eat at my Dad's favorite restaurant, Cracker Barrell.  Mom doesn't go there anymore since it is too hard for her.  All the help there knew them and they treated them really well.  Having 'K' along put her in such a good mood that she stayed happy the entire time.  Mom didn't ask 'K' to go to the cemetery with her.  'K' was thankful for that.  Mom probably went later, by herself with flowers.  He is buried right next to my Mom's parents and her sister.  So she can pay her respects to all at the same time.  She has always done this.  

I'm going off the reservation (oh no, is that racist?) for a bit so be forewarned.  I met our next door neighbors on my morning walk this morning.  They were wearing masks which is unusual for them.  Then they told me she had COVID.  But she apparently had a very light case.  They had both been vaccinated.  She goes to get tested today to see if she is over it.  I kept my distance, I am 'vaccinated.'  

I understand that this 'vaccination' isn't a true vaccine.  It modifies your RNA so that if you get COVID it helps your body fight it better.  Not sure what it does long term to my RNA.  I had reservations getting it at all.  But here I am.  Whatever it is. it certainly hasn't slowed the spread.  It almost seems it is now more prevalent than when it first came out.  It has hit closer and more times to those that I know.  And if you can believe the news it seems we're all doomed to get it sooner or later.  Blame and accusations and threats are being thrown around about those that won't get vaccinated or wear a mask.  Violence has been visited on some.  My question is, since this isn't a true vaccine, are they working on getting a true vaccine that actually gives a measure of immunity?  I never hear anyone mentioning it.  Why just this one RNA treatment?  I'm sure the conspiracy folks could give me an answer.  I admit that this is all so confusing, get the vacc, wear a mask, don't go out etc.  Whatever you do you get chastised by those that have an opposing view.  If I choose to wear a mask, (I haven't gone back to mask wearing...yet)  But what does it matter if I choose to?  Does it harm you?  Why does it make you angry?  Who gives a rat's butt if I do?  Maybe a lot less visiting social media will calm your jets.  We need cooler heads and less talk.  Take care of your self and MYOB.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the travesty in Afghanistan.  Tears have been shed.  I can't really figure out if this was planned to be this bad or it is pure incompetence on the part of our government, our military, our president.  My personal thoughts are incompetence, total and full.  As usual the blame game has started and the lefties only have Trump to blame which I think is absurd and is nothing but a cover for their failure.  OK.  I gotta stop, this could go on forever.

Happy Trails 

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Glad K was there for your mother. And don't get me started on Xiden and his cluster of a withdrawal...