Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Quick Update

Just a quick word.  I sat with an elderly friend yesterday while his daughter had to run in to work to get a payroll out.  I will do that again today.  She really needed my help and I don't mind at all.  So I really didn't have time to put anything together.

The vultures cleaned up the road kill quickly.  By Noon most of the vultures had quit the scene.  All I had to do was pick a skeleton and hide.  No meat at all.  No skull either.  But I have never seen a skull remain at a buzzard feast.  No idea where it goes.  I don't hang around a watch.

Reworking my 'get home' bag.  I may go to two small bags.  The one I used was crammed full and wasn't big enough to carry items for two people.  I will mostly likely move all food related items to a separate bag.  I have left that bag in the car for months at a time enduring the heat.  That can't be good for any type food for long.  So those food items will get transferred to a separate bag and I have to train myself not to leave it in the car.  

I gotta get a move on, thanks for coming by and as always...

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Yep, buzzards are 'effective' to put it mildly... Good point on long term food storage. I don't leave my food bug out in the car all the time.