Monday, August 2, 2021


It's raining, again.  This has been a very wet Summer.  Also cooler than I have ever seen or can remember.  August along with the end of July is historically very hot here.  I don't think we have been over 95* in that time but it's been mostly lower than that.  We did get near 100 July 3 and a time or two in June.  But over all this has been a very pleasant Summer.  Everything is still green.  I have only broken out my tractor sprinklers once.  I was getting close to needing to again and then, rain.  Yet I see up North in places like Canada temps well over 100*.  It's just been crazy for temps almost everywhere.  Since I don't watch the network news anymore I don't know if they are blaming it on something like global warming (I'm sure they are rationalizing that) or those things out in the Pacific, Nina something?  Wish my gutters were installed.

'K' heads over to the Doc today to get a steroid shot in her knee to get some relief. She has had a rough weekend.  She also persuaded them to X-ray her hip on the same leg that is giving her trouble.  She thinks there is something else wrong there.  I am hoping once the knee gets sorted out the hip will too.  But that hip has bothered her off and on for years.  So who knows.  The knee seems to have exacerbated it.  She has been pretty immobile trying to rest it up and hoping tp relieve some pain.  They suggested stopping PT until the injection as the last round seemed to make her hurt even more than before she started.  I just hope they get this figured out soon instead of messing around like they have.

I haven't been able to get any news on my blood work or a prescription they denied me.  It was one I have been taking for years.  No explanation after two attempts to contact.  I have to use a patient portal and message that way.  They don't answer phones anymore if ever.  They have been pretty good about it.  I'm not sure what's going on.  Maybe the doc is on vacation and they don't know what to tell me until he sees my bloodwork/messages.  At least they could tell me that but nothing has happened in over a week.  If I don't hear soon I will go by the office and confront them, they can't ignore that like they can the other.  But now they have a security person there LOL.  Nah, I'll keep my cool.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Yep, kinda hard to 'ignore' you when you're standing in front of their desk! Hope K gets better soon!