Monday, September 14, 2020

Quiet Day

Things have returned to 'normal' here since the baby was returned to her parents.  She came Monday evening and left Friday afternoon.  We also had their dog, and he is not a small dog.  (The repairs having been completed at their townhouse.)  They were both well behaved.  So no real trouble but she is 'Nani's' (Nah-nee) girl and stays with her almost 100%.  So Nani gets pretty tired after so many days.  

We also have no plans as usual.  I just managed to cut the yard this morning before it got too hot and I will try to weed eat the rest over a couple days.  I need to spread it our more now than before.  We also resumed our morning walks.  We haven't done that for about two weeks and were very sporadic prior.  The weather had been the main obstacle.  It's not quite as uncomfortable in the mornings this week so far.  'K' is at the grocer's at this moment.  I usually go with her, I don't like her to go by herself but this time I relented in my 'protective' mode.

As far as protective mode is concerned, I have been giving a lot of thought to that lately.  Increased awareness is a must.  I have gotten lax in my situational awareness.  I have become to comfortable in public and not scanning my surroundings like I had in past years.  Maybe it's age related too, I don't know.  Being at home 24/7 days on end tends to make me lax too.  In these unusual times I am more aware of what the possibilities of harm/danger etc. may come about.  I have been thinking about home protection in the event the wack jobs invade our neighborhood like we have seen happen all over the country.  We have several advantages and disadvantages where we live.  

These are things in my thoughts and I won't go into detail here.  I could go too far and give out things no one needs to know.  I have sent emails to the 'Sons' trying to make them aware and to make preps in advance as they had been somewhat unprepared for the pandemic.  

I hope you are prepared for more turbulent times in the near future.  I hope and pray I am wrong.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

You and me both, but I'm prepping just in case...