Monday, July 29, 2024


As I mentioned last week, this will be my last post.  It wasn't easy coming to this conclusion but yet it was.  I have been doing this since Monday September 22, 2014.  It started out as a way to document my journey/battle with prostate cancer.  But also as a forum to encourage men to be aware of and take action for the health of their prostate.  It's been fun coming up with things to wrtie about and I have been all over the place just like my thoughts usually are.  It was never about garnering attention and numbers of readers.  If it had been I would have quit that first year.  The blog became mainly about my daily life which I can understand why that wouldn't get much attention.  I am not an exciting guy and I have strong opinions.  If you have been with me from the start I am sure you can see how the blog progressed from a daily to mostly just once a week.  Honestly I have struggled to come up with things to write about the last couple years.  So is it a failure?  No, it served my purpose.  But it is time to lay it aside.  I won't take it down.  If for some reason yoou need to contact me, my email is in my profile

As for my visit with the Urologist and my cancer, all was good with no detectable cancer.  He will no longer conduct tests for the return of cancer.  Although he has advised me to have it checked annually during my yearly physical.  I won't be leaving this urologist as he manages my testosterone.  He will be trying a new treatment in the coming weeks.  I suspect, since he is very conservative, he most likely will check my PSA anyway.  I have no issue with that.  But after ten years of wondering if the cancer will return getting to the point I don't need to anymore hasn't really sunk in.  I am very grateful for this doctor that discovered it and the surgeon that got it out.  This was a great visit, he was very happy for me and even hugged me and my wife who had tagged along for the last visit.  

Thank you all for coming by and putting up with my thoughts and spending your valuable time to read this blog, you are appreciated and those very few that took the time to comment you made it more fun for me.  

And one last time, I want to wish you a heart felt...

Happy Trails

Monday, July 22, 2024

Only One More

Assuming all goes well at the Urologist's visit this Thursday, my last post will most likely be this next Monday.  I have gotten a peak at the lab results and it's all good.  So I should be released after 10 years of monitoring me for a return of my prostate cancer.  One less doctor appointment to contend with every 6 months.  

I have been busy with a few Honey Do items this morning and almost forgot to post.  Actually they are things I have been trying to get to for a few weeks.  My AC drain has to have a 'cage' to cover the opening.  Why?  The moisture tends to attract various critters that will crawl up there and get stuck and die.  That has clogged it up a few times.  When that happens the AC has a system that will shut itself down when water backs up.  One time it was an epic effort to get it cleaned out.  I assume it was a snake that had gotten stuck and died from what I could tell from the remains I got out of there.  It took a couple hours of ramming a plumbing snake up that drain hose to clear it out.  After that time I fashioned a protective cage with some hareware cloth and zip ties to cover the end.  It worked great but it had deteriorated to the point I needed to replace it.

I also went around cleaning out the aereators on the faucets in the house.  Our water is so hard it will clog those things up.  If you wait too long to do it you may not be able to get them out.  That has happened before and unfortunately it happened to one this time also.  Sigh.  

Not sure what to make of Biden dropping out.  IMO he should never have been in office in the first place.  It was obvious to me he had at least the start of dementia before he ran in 2020.  Kamala?  Are you kidding me?  I am sure if she is the candidate she will expose her incompetance at some point, but will people listen?  I can't fathom any leftist winning after what has happened the last 4 years, but then they got in in 2020 when there is no way they should have.  I have no doubt they will try to do it again, they are more desperate this time.

Happy Trails

Monday, July 15, 2024

Grandson Pics Finally

Still not sure what's up with Google and how I post pics here.  Still doesn't work like it should.  So I tried copy and paste and that worked it.  These are from the day Jaxon was born.  It seems he is beeing called Jax by his Dad.  I like it, but I also like the full version, Jaxon.  Everyone (almost) had been calling him Jelly Bean from the first images inside, he did look like a jelly bean.  Big sister is still calliing him that almost a week later.

Click on the pic to get a better view

Here is big sister meeting him.  No one else was present to distract her.

I don't have any other photos yet.  These were texted to me before we got to the hospital.  I haven't taken any.  There are plenty around but most I have seen are not compsoed very well.  I guess that happens in all the excitement.  

We have been over to their house once since they got home.  Tying to give them some space since the in-laws are there too.  It can get a little tight.  He is so very tiny and skinny.  His little legs are so very thin.  I hope they fatten him up soon but his sister didn't have much meat on her either.  They tell me it's because he is 3 weeks early.  Yes. I know, then why did they take him so early.  The measurements they took showed Mom was farther along then they originally predicted which to me he should have been at least not so skinny.  Both parents are big.  Near or over six foot.  I don't know.  He is pretty cute.  Hope I live long enough to see what he becomes.

This past weeks the weather has taken a turn.  Although we were not affected by Hurricane Beryl after all, since it movedd farther West we did get some rain.  I measured right at 3 inches and the rest of the week was pretty mild.  I never saw my thermometer get past 93.  Lots of clouds get the temps down and the humidity up most days but there were a few that weren't and still had lower temps.  It was a rare respite for us this time of year.  Monday we will be back to hot and no rain.  Unfortunatly the humidity is already up due to the moist ground.  They say we may get more rain later in the week hopefully.

Happy Trails

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Exciting Things Happening

First to catch up a bit.  My home appraisal protest was successful.  They were running very late so my meeting was conducted informally by phone with an appraiser.  He had reviewed my evidence and was agreeable to lower the appraisal a significant amount.  Not as much I had hoped for but I didn't hesitate when he threw out the numbers.  

The AC check up went good, but I did have him replace the electricty distributor.  It had been arcing but was still working. I wanted it changed to avoid any issues during the heat of the summer.  If it went out then they are way to busy to drop everything and come fix it fat enough to avoid getting too hit.  

And just like clockwork Snickers allergies have subsided.  He is not scratching constantly and we don't have to give him any meds for that.

Now for the most exciting thing.  Monday morning our new Grandson made his debut.  Jaxon Wyatt weighed in at 6lbs 12 ozs.  Not big at all but he is 3 weeks earlier than they had predicted.  The doc decided he should come early because the measurements they make were saying he should come three weeks early.  This was done by ceserean section not on his own.  I have to say I have some pretty good looking GrandKids and this one is no slouch.

I have tried to upload a couple photos of Jaxon but blogger has changed things and the upload has changed enough I can't figure it out for now.  I will work on it and try to sort this out.

Another thing.  I mentioned a while back I would stop posting in the near future.  That date is coming up fast.  I have an appointment with my urologist coming up and if everything is good I believe he will release me and there will be no more visits with him regarding my prostate cancer.  We will hit the 10 year mark in his book.  It's actually Dec 2 but he is going by the year it was detected not the date it was removed.   Since I started this blog to document my journey with cancer (for the most part) I think that is a good time to call it quits here.  It will actually be a day or so after that appointment depending on good results.  July 25 is the appointment and I will wrap it up soon there after.  I told you I wouldn't leave you hanging.  

Happy Trails



Monday, June 24, 2024

Property Appraisal Protest

Monday morning I will be placing a call in to the Appraisal District for a formal protest of my home's appraisal.  I made an online protest and they offered a lower amount that I was not happy with.  So a formal protest is my alternate method offered.  I think I have a good case but convincing others is the trick/key.  I don't have to actually meet in person as I have in the past, we can do it via Zoom.  Glad I won't have to drive into the city.  

Tuesday the AC guys are rescheduled to return after not being able to make the first appointment.  I hope we can get it done.  The farther into the Summer we get the busier they get.  If they get an emergency like they have on previous occasions I can get rescheduled several times before they actually show up.  Over the years my appointments have moved from April to mid to late June.    

Our dog Sickers has allergies that make him scratch a lot.  We had gotten him injections that worked pretty well in the past.  They are no longer effective and we have resorted to pills.  They work OK but not near enough.  I try to keep the grass shorter than usual too.  His legs are so short he usually is dragging parts in the grass.  Once July gets here it seems to get better until late fall and we have to go through that again for about six weeks.  Our other dog, Maggie, will also get these same allergies but mostly in the fall.  Poor Snickers will scratch raw spots on himself.  Then at night, he sleeps in our bed, and he will wake you up with scratching sometimes.  Poor little guy.

Wish me luck on our protest.

Happy Trails

Monday, June 17, 2024

AC No Show

The AC guys had to reschedule due to wet weather delaying them at another loction so we set a date for 2 weeks away.   I just hope they don't have to reschedule again for another two weeks away.  It's happened before.  It messes up your day when you are waiting on them so you can go on with other things and then they don't come.  Ugh.

Quick visit with the Pain Doc last week.  I have been doing pretty well and we agreed another ablation is not needed at this time but he did let me know we could do the steroid injection if I think I need it.  I will check back in three months.

I have also been trying to get things squared away with my prescription insurance/Pharmacy.  What a gigantic pain.  My insurance rebids the contract every 6 years and when that happens some of the meds I have been on for years have to be changed to another brand etc.  This time instead of telling me the available alternatives they want the doctor to prescribe the replacement.  The doc does not know what my insurance covers but they won't tell me what is available (and it's no where online) so I can inform the doctor.  They are hoping to force the doctor to call them.  That just delays me getting meds for almost two weeks.  Luckily I have enough  on hand this time to get me far.  They have had this information since they bid the contract last year and had my records of all the meds yet they wait until I need a refill to let me know instead of making arrangements to get this settled ahead of time so I won't run out.  Hair pulling to say the least.

I also got 'K's jalopy into the tire shop to get a vibration taken care of.  It's better but still feel a slight virbration, althought it's better.  Who knows, maybe the tire is out of round or we wore a spot in the tire from it being unbalanced.  'K' doesn't notice it, and didn't before either.  I am leaning toward it being the roads being worse than they should be which is truly possible here.  Road ride quality has really slipped since my days working in that field.  No pride of ownership since the inspectors are all now contractors.  What a scam.

Happy Trails

Monday, June 10, 2024

Record Heat

Around Wednesday last week San Antonio recorded a record for heat index at 117*.  Never before had we had anything that high.  It is mostly due to the heavy humidity we are expriencing.  At my place just north has only had a high of 97* (no idea what my heat index was) while SA has had several days exceeding 100*.  That is unusual for June.  It bodes a very warm Summer as some of the predicters have predicted.  We certainly could use a break.

Today I have the AC guys out for a check up of our unit.  Nothing is wrong, just want it checked out to avoid any future issues if I can.  Thursday is a revisit with the Pain Management Doc.  While I am not pain free completely I am much better than before.  So I am guessing we will continue as is and use his services once the current procedure stops working. 

Hopefully I can get started on re-painting the kitchen cabinets that the contractor messed up a few years ago.  I will have to sand down to wood in much of the area needing paint that should have been done before it ever got any paint.  I have learned much since then.  The wrong paint was used and just because it says 'cabinet paint' on the can doesn't make it so.  Also, when the contractor hands you his card with his name and company saying he is a paint contractor means little to nothing.  While they may be able to spread paint around, the lack of attention to detail is very telling.  It really shows up with our kitchen colors.  I wouldn't have him back to even fix what he did.  We didn't choose him.  He was part of the crew that fixed the water damage job we had a few years ago, I had no real choice.

Happy Trails