Monday, July 29, 2024


As I mentioned last week, this will be my last post.  It wasn't easy coming to this conclusion but yet it was.  I have been doing this since Monday September 22, 2014.  It started out as a way to document my journey/battle with prostate cancer.  But also as a forum to encourage men to be aware of and take action for the health of their prostate.  It's been fun coming up with things to wrtie about and I have been all over the place just like my thoughts usually are.  It was never about garnering attention and numbers of readers.  If it had been I would have quit that first year.  The blog became mainly about my daily life which I can understand why that wouldn't get much attention.  I am not an exciting guy and I have strong opinions.  If you have been with me from the start I am sure you can see how the blog progressed from a daily to mostly just once a week.  Honestly I have struggled to come up with things to write about the last couple years.  So is it a failure?  No, it served my purpose.  But it is time to lay it aside.  I won't take it down.  If for some reason yoou need to contact me, my email is in my profile

As for my visit with the Urologist and my cancer, all was good with no detectable cancer.  He will no longer conduct tests for the return of cancer.  Although he has advised me to have it checked annually during my yearly physical.  I won't be leaving this urologist as he manages my testosterone.  He will be trying a new treatment in the coming weeks.  I suspect, since he is very conservative, he most likely will check my PSA anyway.  I have no issue with that.  But after ten years of wondering if the cancer will return getting to the point I don't need to anymore hasn't really sunk in.  I am very grateful for this doctor that discovered it and the surgeon that got it out.  This was a great visit, he was very happy for me and even hugged me and my wife who had tagged along for the last visit.  

Thank you all for coming by and putting up with my thoughts and spending your valuable time to read this blog, you are appreciated and those very few that took the time to comment you made it more fun for me.  

And one last time, I want to wish you a heart felt...

Happy Trails


CenTexTim said...

Glad to hear the good news. Sad to see you go. Best wishes for the future.

Randy said...

Thanks CenTexTim

MattB said...

Hey thanks for the blog sad to see you go!!

Randy said...

@MattB Thank you sir