Monday, August 15, 2022

My Garden and Something for you to Read

We woke up to the end of a rain shower surprisingly.  It delayed my walk with the pups about an hour.  I checked the gauge when I got back, only 0.20.  The results sure looked like more than that.  But we did a get another 0.50 a day or two earlier.  Not near what we need but it sure helps and I am thankful.  

The garden is crazy.  All I have are tomato plants now.  They are not producing a lot but I get one or two every day or so.  That's great.  The plants themselves are doing much too well.  There is so much foliage there isn't enough sunlight getting in and then there is the heat, so production suffers.  Most everyone I know has already pulled theirs out.  I will let mine go into Fall and I'll hope to harvest more then.  I will probably have to prune a bunch.  This is how they look now:

That's a little over 7' at the tallest.  

On to something else.  This should give you something to think about.  I think the writer hits it out of the park.  Please take a little time to read this article in the American Spectator by Melissa McCarthy.

Happy Trails


Pinky said...

My tomatoes long ago gave up due to the heat/humidity. Right now the only thing producing is banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, and a couple of chile petins (tiny native Texas peppers).

Okra is getting taller everyday but hasn't started making okra yet. It's my first year to try growing okra, hoping to get enough to pickle or can.


Randy said...

Hi Pinky-I never have good luck with peppers and it's not for lack or trying. I am very familiar with the chili petins or pequins. You must have planted your okra later. Avoid the big ones, they get to be like having a mouth full of chewed match sticks.

Old NFO said...

That is a SERIOUS tomato plant! And a couple a day is better than a flood of them that you have to give away.

Randy said...

Old NFO-I have had that happen, but I like giving them to friends I just never have enough for everybody lol.