Friday, March 12, 2021


'K' has been trying for a while to get the vaccine.  Every time I looked to see what was out there, there was none available.  Admittedly I wasn't real excited about getting one so I didn't try real hard.  Somehow 'K' found out the city was getting a new batch of vaccines and would be administering them by appointment at the Alamodome.  A time was announced for when you could 'try' to register.  Evidently there was so many folks trying to sign up that servers weren't working too well.  After a few minutes of trying she got an appointment.  So I decided to try to get my Mom signed up as she has finally agreed to get one after missing 2 appointments due to her reluctance.  'K' was trying also.  She even was trying to get one for me.  After a bit of time she got us both signed up.  

Yesterday was 'K's' appointment.  She wanted me to drive her incase she had a reaction.  We spent about an hour before we got it administered.  I took my registration incase I could squeeze in too.  No dice.  Even though they were letting folks in whose appointment time was not up yet.  Mine wasn't until 4/1.  But we got her done.  My Mom's is a couple weeks later and 'K' will take her.  

I have to admit it was pretty well organized.  We never left our car.  That was great, not having to stand in line for an hour, made it much easier.  Kudos for that. 

One thing I did notice.  They apparently don't care who has signed up, as per the age thing and who should get it first, i.e. first responders, seniors with health issues etc.  They were taking any and everybody.  Since they ask your age etc. on the registration I thought that would be how they weed out those not yet eligible.  I was in error apparently.  I guess that is one reason why it has been so hard to get registered in this big city area.  Everyone is trying to register regardless of the guidelines.  Not a complaint, just an observation, I would not deny the vaccine to anyone that wants it if they are able to get it.

Then I got really lucky.  We stopped at HEB on the way home for groceries.  'K' noticed they were giving vaccinations in the pharmacy, even though their website says they have no vaccine.  I went over to check it out.  Appointment required.  I asked how I get an appointment since their website says they have no vaccine, etc. etc.  They got me in line and now I have been vaccinated too, even though I hadn't really planned on it.  It was much easier than the other process.  I got very lucky.  No ill effects.  We already have an appointment for our second dose.

All this has had another effect.  More on that later.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Got y'all got it done. I had mine on the 1st through the VA.