Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Frustration With our Politico's


March 2, 1836, Texas became a free and independent republic.

I just learned that Senator John Cornyn has voted to confirm Merrick Garland for Attorney General.  After watching a couple clips of him being interviewed during the confirmation hearings I can't understand why anyone, would vote to confirm, left, right or in between  I have never been a fan of Cornyn.  Yes I voted for him to keep from voting for a worse candidate.  I did vote against him in the primary.  He will never get another vote from me.  He was known for being a RINO for sometime, going against President Trump several times and now has crossed the final line for me.  I will actively work against his reelection.  But he keeps getting reelected sadly.  I'm sure there are a lot of folks not paying attention and will never know about this vote for a radical lefty.

I see that the media still has a Trump fixation even though he is not in office.  This fixation comes in the form of trying to keep him from being heard by anyone when he speaks.  He lives rent free in their heads.  He will never get a fair shake from them.  Hence we are never going to find out the truth about what happened in the election.  If they were honest they would investigate, if only to shut up those hated Trump supporters.  But no, they just want everyone to comply with the results 'unquestioned.'  Honestly, I don't know if the election was stolen or not.  There was enough fishy stuff going on to raise many doubts.  But why is it wrong to find out the truth?  Why would you want those that may have doubts to just shut up and go away if there was nothing wrong?  With so many that have doubts, it would help their cause to prove there was no corruption.  

Our RINO governor is going to make another pronouncement today.  He had hinted that he would lift COVID restrictions 'very soon.'  Will he do as the Governor of Florida did and lift things completely or tease us with a partial?  I will be very surprised if he goes the way of Florida.  I think it will only be a partial lifting of the restrictions.  There is a bill, HB 3, that has been filed to give him more emergency power to enact the things he did previously and make them lawful.  Basically it takes away your liberty even more and puts it in the hands of a politician.  Our liberties are being stripped away faster and faster and they don't even try to hide it any more.  Please don't get me wrong.  I am for taking precautions against COVID.  However, having the government or politician tell me what I can or can't do with my liberty is over the line.  I'm responsible for my own well being, not them.  I am responsible for me not infecting others.  I know this, I practice this, without them making it a law.  Just tell me what is the best thing to do and let me choose.  I know how to avoid those that won't or don't care.  Stripping my liberty is not the answer.  

That brings me to another thing Abbott has said.  He wants to make Texas a gun sanctuary state.  Regardless of what other states/folks may think, Texas is one of the most restrictive states on gun rights.  Abbott has failed on gun rights in Texas by failing to take a stance supporting (pushing/leading) constitutional carry that has come before the legislature several times and is there again.  You will not see him come out in support of this.  It won't even get out of committee.

I am so sick of these RINO's.  Abbott talked a good game when he was the State's Attorney General, raking  obama's policies over the coals in the media, it got a lot of play.  Now we see it was just a ploy to get elected to governor.  He has been a major disappointment.  Never again.

I know, I don't talk politics here much, but I just had to get this off my chest.  I don't expect anyone agree with the way I see things.  I am often wrong.

Happy Trails

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