Sunday, February 7, 2021

Two Years Old

This past Friday was our youngest Granddaughters second birthday.  She is just now old enough to understand presents.  That was very evident at Christmas.  She loves opening presents and is so animated everyone will stop what they are doing and watch her. 

Due to the china flu the party was restricted to just family.  Just Son #1 & #2 and their families.  No other little rugrats for her to play with but having her two cousins, that she adores, is plenty.  The party was at our home as we have more room for the kids to get out and play.  The food was brought to the party so there was very little prep for us.  That is pretty much the best way to have a party IMO.  Less work and less fuss.

We have a bunch of birthdays in February.  There is the youngest Granddaughter's as mentioned.  Next is Son #1's on the Ninth.  Then comes the Grandson on the 11th.  Next is 'K's' and she shares that with our oldest Granddaughter on the 21st.  Then I bring up the rear on the 27th.  Lots of presents $$.  We used the Granddaughters birthday to give gifts to Son#1 and the Grandson since they are so close in date.  I had made a wallet for the Grandson so he could hold all the money he made working his small jobs.  He really seemed to like it, since I put a few more $$ inside it.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pics of it or of any at the party.  

Happy Trails



Old NFO said...

At least you got to get the family together! Watching the littles is always fun as they figure out what is going on! :-)

Randy said...

Old NFO-yes, it is always a delight.