Saturday, August 1, 2020

Weekend News

Well not really news more of an update.  The real news, to us, is at the end of this post.

'K's self imposed quarantine is over and she has survived not coming down with the Bat Flu.  We are thankful for that.  She actually lifted her isolation Thursday evening and we had Son#2 and his in laws out for supper.  His in laws were in town for a week to visit the baby.  We wanted to see them before they left and also we hadn't seen the baby in more than 2 weeks.  I had an extra large chicken that was given to us from a friend whose daughter raised a bunch of them for FFA at school.  Once they were judged they had to dispose of them and were asking everyone they knew to please take one.  They had 40.  When I say extra large I would guess this one weighed in around 10 lbs.  They are normally 3-4 lbs.  So we are still eating on that thing.

I have become a big fan of a man I found on You Tube.  He is a genuine cowboy and a chuck wagon cook.  He doesn't call himself a chef.  I have used several of his recipes and he also makes me smile every time I watch.  He has fun with his cooking and doesn't take himself real serious, but I can vouch for some of his recipes. There are a bunch more I am planning on trying.   There's nothing fancy at all, just good ole solid cooking.  He is a hoot.  I have even bought a few things off his website and I will get one of his cookbooks eventually.  If you're interested in learning some good cooking recipes (most are done outside with actual fire) look him up on the You Tube.  Kent Rollins-cowboy cooking.  

We will return to our worship services this Sunday after an absence since the end of February.  We are truly looking forward to that.  It is not without some trepidation.  I will only say, the reason we feel comfortable enough to return, has upset some others.  Disappointing to say the least.  We will try our best to keep our Christian attitude in the forefront and and only have a kind heart toward them all.  

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Great news! Glad to hear she's okay! And yes, Kent Rollins is a hoot. He still cooks for cattle barons using his chuckwagon. He is truly nice in person too!