Monday, August 10, 2020

Quick Project

I have an old cedar chest that belonged to my Grandmother.  I got it when my Grandparents passed away.  They passed within a month of each other.  They hold a special place in my heart, probably like most of you.  I spent almost every day with them from birth until I entered school at age 6.  She pretty much raised me.  My Grandfather was a Firefighter (Fireman in those days) and was not there as much as she was.  She was my caretaker while my parents worked.  This was 1953-1959.  These were my Father's parents.  With so much time spent with her in those early formative years I became very attached to her.  I think it was a natural thing that happens when you spend so much time with someone at those ages.  My Mother recognized this attachment.  

I digress.  Anyway, that cedar chest was something I remembered along with several other objects that are strong connections to that time and to them.  The cedar chest to me was a treasure chest of sorts.  I remember her opening it and showing me things she had saved and were obviously important to her.  No I don't remember any specific items.  All these things just added to my memories and a desired to have them eventually.  I am way to sentimental for my own good.  More so than anyone in our family.  It was easy to have everyone agree that I could have them and I treasure them for what they mean to mean and not at all for their value. 

Over the years those things got little care and were more or less forgotten.  The finish on this piece is pretty bad.  It had been varnished and most of that is gone except for a few spots that are dried and crusty.  Not to mention when dust and dirt settles on something for years and years it almost becomes a finish of it's own.

So today I started trying to refinish the lid.  It is the most visible part of the chest and shows the most wear.  I hope not to have to sand it as I like the color that it is.  I am starting with cleaning and maybe some buffing with steel wool to remove and build up.  We will see how that goes before I go any further.  It shouldn't take too long to see results.  

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

I did that a few years ago. Ended up having to sand it to get ALL the varnish off... But my daughter now has it, and the memories that go with it!

Randy said...

Old NFO-it's not turning out to be a 'quick project'