Monday, August 31, 2020

And It's Still HOT

It was 102 here yesterday and will probably be close to that again today.  I'm in a bit of a funk too.  I don't know that the weather has anything to do with it but I woke up after a restless night with a few aches and pains, a little more than usual.  It has me really not feeling like doing much of anything.  It seems to have affected the brain some.  

Part of the funk I am in is not being able to attend worship services like we have always done.  I am feeling a little disconnected from my brethren.  We have chosen to stay away since there is no mandatory mask requirement.  That is our choice due to my high risk health conditions.  I don't have issues with their not requiring a mask.  That is the way it should be.  I would not want my presence to require others to do something they don't want to do, even though I would wear a mask if that is what it took to enable someone else to attend.  So we have been streaming services but may consider attending where the kids attend since they have the mask requirement.  It would also allow us to see them.  But it is a very long drive to get there.  

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Being able to worship IS important. Do what you have to. It's been hot/humid up here, with the odd thunderstorms popping up early AM, which screws with my sleep. Sigh...