I am going to attempt to enter the jungle of my yard and get it cut to a manageable length. I finally feel well enough to at least use the lawn tractor. The weed eater may have to wait another week. I will wear one of those doctor type masks to keep from breathing in the tons of dust and pollen that are lurking in the stalks. I can get choked up pretty fast still.
WE have a friend that is in the hospital and is in very serious condition. At this exact time last year he had the same issues and we almost lost him. Somehow he has gotten septic and his kidneys shut down and they have to put him on dialysis. Only problem with that is his blood pressure is so low they can't. With all the poison in his blood he has pretty much been unconscious around the clock. They were finally able to stabilize the BP and get him on those machines. He has improved somewhat but is still out. We have been trying to support his wife as she has been pretty distraught and is thinking the worst. Not much we can do but other than be there and she can talk when she wants to unload. You can see the change in her when she is able to unburden. So don't ever think your presence is not helpful when you have a friend in need. Just being there does more than you may ever know. Believe me, from one who has a lot of experience with this. Sometimes we make excuses to avoid this things because they can be heart wrenching or hard on us. We don't always know what to say. But remember, you don't do this for you. You don't have to say anything, just be there. They will know and be uplifted by that. You will feel better in the long run.
Happy Trails.