The Doctor appointments have been put in the past. Still waiting on lab results, they should be in today, but you never know with this bunch. Curious about my blood A1C results. It tells how well I have been doing with controlling my blood sugars. I expect that to not be very good. It's been a struggle this last year. They have also scheduled me for an MRI on my neck(spine) due to all the issues I have with it. Once that is in it, will be sent to someone that will do the injections. The Urologist was pleased with my numbers and I should only have one more year for checking for return of prostate cancer. I am considered cured, but there is always a chance for return with cancer. I am grateful for what it is now. 'K' is at the Doc today for her annual. Hoping that all goes well for her.
The African dust has subsided. I am not convinced it is gone completely. Even the pups were coughing and sneezing last night. But we did go for a walk/exercise early this morning and there appear to be no ill effects. It was nice to get out despite it being pretty warm and the pups loved it.
Don't have much else, nothing has really changed with my Mom. Although she is complaining more (about everything) than before it seems. I need to go see her. It's been quite a while and the reasons I have talked about I won't go into again. I really don't look forward to seeing that 'look' in her eyes when she sees me. Having 'K' along relieves a lot of that so I won't go without her.
Happy Trails