Monday, October 11, 2021


I will take my lumps if you have some to give for my trolling of the sooners last week.  I was pretty giddy the first half but still had the feeling of foreboding that something bad could still happen, and it did.  In various posts I have read on Longhorn sites there are those that try to take some moral victory out of that loss.  While I could see some major improvements and great hope for the future due mostly in part to them apparently having a great coach after years of not.  It is still a heart wrenching loss.  I understand those that want to look for something positive after over a decade of bad football and more losses to ou than I want to think about.  I eat my portion of crow, but I never predicted a win for Texas, so it will bee a limited amount.  I could feel the result of the early adrenaline rush of the first part of the game and then flop.  I was drained.

We will be making a short road trip in the future for the first time in a long time.  I don't count one to Abilene 3 years ago for a funeral.  Going on sever years according to 'K.'  I will get to mark down one of my bucket list items.  Yes, this is mainly my thing but 'K' is such a trooper and is just super glad to get away that she isn't at all unhappy.  In fact she is very happy.  She will get to spend a lot of time with one of her girlfriends that is going also.  More details and hopefully some memorable photos (for me).  The only negative thing is where we are headed, traffic is a nightmare.  I don't do well in bad traffic anymore.  But we aren't letting that stop us.

We heard a preacher yesterday give a report on the work we help support down in Peru.  I was humbled.  When he was asked to come to Peru to help spread the gospel 17 years ago, there was only one congregation of the Lord.  Now there are maybe a dozen.  He humbly admits that it is the gospel and God giving the increase, not him.  What was so humbling to me were the people there.  He told us about the men that have converted and started preaching there and how far they travel by very humble means, every Sunday.  One was 4 hours by bus one way with his family.  Yet they keep working to spread the gospel despite so much adversity and very little means.  As servants of Christ, they do more than I ever did or even think about doing.  I always had/have an excuse.  They are not burdened by the society we live in that has made us lazy and the excuses flow when the comfort zone gets stretched, or would that be compressed.  Not only was it very humbling to me it was also encouraging to see people in other parts of the world that are having success spreading the gospel.  I'm not so sure we see that hear anymore.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Good news all the way around!