As I suspected the contractor was a no show Tuesday. Didn't even hear from him. The Project Manager had issues contacting him also. We found out the job he was on was giving him some trouble. Actually he complained that the homeowner was watching his every move and calling him out on some of his work. I have no sympathy for him. His attention to detail or lack there of caught up with him.
This seems typical with some of these shaky contractors. When they get held up or can't meet their commitments, just don't show up. Go dark and not answer your phone. Some how they think that is better than calling and trying to explain the situation, which while not making the customer happy, they can at least keep from making them very angry by going dark and not meeting your commitment.
Finally he did send two of his workers out Wednesday and they got after it. We wound up getting higher end baseboards than we had previously. I didn't question it just went with it to speed things up. They worked all day and finished it up. I have to say they did a great job and their attention to detail was good this time. We have all the furniture moved back into place and are proceeding with getting all of 'K's' nic nacs placed. The garage has returned to near normal and I can get the car back inside. But we are finished with contractors for now. Hallelujah.
The last month 'K' has been experiencing some knee issues, limping and painful. The Doc sent her to physical therapy. The PT guy says she has a loose ligament that has caused her knee to be unstable and has caused some issues from her hip on down. She went to PT yesterday and has been in so much pain she couldn't even sleep. Xrays were done yesterday too. Hopefully that will tell them something. Seeing her in so much pain is tough. She tries to power through. She is calling the PT today to ask about the pain after her session and if a knee brace would help. I sure hope some of this works soon. Neither of us want her to have another surgery.
Happy Trails