The first real cold front came roaring through earlier this week. The temps hit a low of 38* here which is very low for this time of year. Plus the winds have been pretty high. I don't know exactly other than what the weather guessers tell us, but mid 30-40 mph with no let up. It was in the low 40's this morning but the winds are still high. So the morning walks have not resumed. Neither has the painting started. It should be near 80 by this weekend. Maybe I can start painting then.
We still have not gotten a new dog. Even though we look at and watch videos of Australian Shepherds all the time. As much as we miss having a dog, I still can't bring myself to commit. Even with 'K' telling me she is ready to get a dog. I asked her why now? She is feeling the effects of this pandemic and our plans to travel being thwarted. So we might as well get another dog. I almost caved. I am seeing some results of not having a dog in the yard. Even though Buster was mostly inside, his presence and scent made a difference. I see signs of more wildlife being brave enough to come into the yard. They did before but now it is more overt. I saw a coon run across the yard a few weeks ago, then a week ago a skunk was under the bird feeder feeding on the dropped seeds. Last night there was beautiful fox under the bird feeder doing the same. I found a pile of poop on two consecutive nights on the patio. That has to stop and moth balls have been set out. When I got on the roof a couple months ago I found where the coons have a party behind my chimney. It is a regular stop to use it as a restroom. Piles of poop and pee running off the roof. The have easy access due to the large trees that overhang. We can even hear them running across the roof at night. But they did that even when we had a dog. A dog may reduce the presence of wildlife but it won't stop it.
For the last two days I have been struggling to figure out why my printer and pc can't seem to talk to each other. 'K' said she installed an update from her pc last Sunday and that was the last day we tried to print anything. Since then, nothing. I went through every stinking thing they say to do, even to the point of uninstalling and reinstalling etc. No joy. Called the oldest son to see if he could think of something I may have missed. Everything he said was everything I had tried multiple times, in different order even. Then he said since it was a possible update, was there a way to reset the printer to previous settings? Why wouldn't uninstalling and reinstalling do that I asked. Found a reset on the printer menu and we are now up and running. I don't know. Sometimes all it takes is a different set of eyes.
Y'all be safe in all this craziness going on, it's about to get even crazier.
Happy Trails