Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Upcoming Doc Visit..5+ Years After

Nothing exciting going on here.  Had a couple doctor visits and a lab with one more doctor visit tomorrow.  The one tomorrow is with the urologist that found my prostate cancer, well his FNP will see me.  This will mark just past the 5 year mark of my surgery to have the cancer removed.  I will have a couple pointed questions about my status.  I have always heard that after 5 years and no return of cancer and you are considered cured.  I don't know if this pertains to all cancers or even prostate cancer.  So I want to know if I get to hear the words that I am cured.  They always hedge their bets though.  You rarely ever get a total commit to that sort of question.  Where do we go from here?  Do I have to keep up with these check ups?  He does treat me for my low 'T' so that will continue with those checks.  I am not fearful of possible bad news, I just want to hear the words and get that satisfaction of beating this.  Yes, there will be a measure of relief too.
And I will probably go celebrate with a nice steak at our favorite place.

The cedar fever has abated some with the wetter weather we are having for the moment.  'K' has been weathering the pollen better than usual thankfully even though there have been some extremely high pollen days.

Today I am trying to bake some bread.  It is a variation of a recipe my daughter in law uses.  It's great, it's easy and the best thing of all it doesn't affect my blood sugar like most breads do.  I had to alter the recipe to make a smaller batch since the wife can't eat it due to her starting a new diet.  A larger batch would get all green and fuzzy before I could eat it all.  I love good fresh bread and it is something I miss since becoming diabetic so long ago.  So maybe this will allow me to have fresh bread on occasion.  If it works out OK, I'll share the video I learned this from.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

MattB said...

Keep us posted on the bread results!! I would like the recipe if it turns out .