Friday, January 17, 2020

Good News and BREAD!

So the doctor visit went well.  Still no detectable cancer.  I thought 5 years was a milestone.  Yet, it appears to be just another day to the doc.  They explained to me that I was considered 'cured' after the results of my surgery came back showing it had not spread and that my margins were good.  No idea what a margin is and I forgot to ask.  While 5 years is significant in that the longer you go without a return of any cancer your chances of it returning get slimmer.  They still advise me to get checked at least once a year as they have seen it return in long time survivors.  There is just no way to know that every single cell is gone.  They have seen it return in long time patients although it is rare.  So no bell ringing but it was good news and for that I am always thankful.  We did go out and have a ribeye last night at our favorite steak house-Saltgrass.  I left feeling very uncomfortable.  I ate waaay too much.  

I think I may change the 'tag line' of my blog now that I am 5 years out from prostate cancer.  But I'm not sure, since I would still like for folks that want to learn about prostate cancer and a search engine may find me that way.  But since I talk less and less about it, I don't want others to think that is my main focus.  I  know, pretty insignificant.

As for my bread experiment.  It was OK.  I made a smaller recipe than what was given and may have gotten something wrong in there somewhere.  The dough was wetter than it should have been and it didn't rise very much at all.  So I probably had too much water or not enough flour.  I know nothing about yeast and I was supposed to use instant yeast (who knew there was such a thing).  I am not sure what I used was instant.  I'll have to check again.  Or maybe the yeast was dead.  But I plowed on and I got bread.  Not quite how it was supposed to turn out with all the holes inside from the yeast gasses.  It was more dense than it should have been.  But it was good and it's now gone.  I will try again today and see if I can get better results.  Full batch this time.  However I am not sure my skillet is big enough.  Yes, you use a skillet in the version I made.  It's the quicker version.

Here is the video of the one I tried:

This is the one I was going to try but went with the one above and my Daughter in Law uses this one:

Give it a try it's pretty easy and let me know how yours turned out.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Yay! Great news!!!

Pinky said...

Congratulations on the great news! I myself will hopefully hit the 5 year free mark for oral cancer later this spring.


Randy said...

@Pinky..good for you, that is great news. Best Wishes