Thursday, November 13, 2014

TBT #3

Throw Back Thursday

Photos from some of my Dad's Navy service in 1945.  Just after the war ended.

The first two are labeled Pearl Harbor

Manila Harbor

Recovery Operations

This one wasn't labeled, it may be the USS Duluth that he served on.  He was also on the USS Iowa but he says he never went to sea on her.  Maybe some of you old salts can tell if this is a cruiser or not.

Happy Trails


Harry Flashman said...

I think the aircraft is a "sea mew", relatively rare plane. Your dad and mine were in the Navy about the same time.

Randy said...

I had no idea. Thanks. He left high school and joined up just after the war ended. He got credit to graduate with his service.

Old NFO said...

The last one is probably Duluth, the one above it is Iowa. You can see the aft 16" mount.

Randy said...

I thought the one above was Iowa. But my Dad was sure he never went to sea on her. I know his stories have changed some that he has gotten older and his memory starts to fade. I thought the last one was a DE destroyer escort.