Saturday, November 8, 2014

Not PC

Found myself yelling at the TV during a news cast.  I should know better.  They were interviewing a local about the election results and their thoughts on immigration reform.  Even Kim started in on them.  This person said immigration was a civil rights issue just like in the 60's.  He didn't stop there he just went on and on.  Where do they learn this crap?  This was from a twenty something whose parents may not have even been alive then.  We have a lot of that type outlook here.  My county usually votes blue in national elections.  If you vote red you are considered a racist here.  No consideration is given to things that are morally right or lawful, just be tolerant of everyone else regardless of their behavior.  If it weren't for my entire family living in these parts I would truly consider relocating and I have never lived farther than 30 miles from where I was born in my 60+ years.  Why do I torture myself watching the news?  I left the room before he got finished.  No point in getting worked up over some person that I will never meet and would never be able to convince them their views were always historically wrong until the PC police became a thing.

Sometimes the stupid just hurts.
Happy Trails


Terry and Linda said...

We never watch the news. Only the new on RFDTV...for the crop report. :)


Randy said...

I know better, wanted to see the weather.

SUERTE said...

Bravo. The dribble that the left wing has inserted into our schools is responsible for this I think. No Christmas, no prayer, let's don't insult someone by admitting your a Christian for heavens sake, but it ok to study Allah or whatever the hell his name is.
I'm pretty much done being pc, my opinion is just as relevant as any left wing liberal, so I voice it every chance I get and try my best to convert the kids way of thinking when I get the chance.
Enjoyed the Big Bend photo's, hang in there, and take care.

Randy said...

I know we both aren't the only dinosaurs out there. thanks for the thoughts/comment.