Friday, November 21, 2014

Getting older

Kim had her annual physical yesterday.  The way things have been going the last couple years with us and the results we have had, I am always a bit anxious about what the doctor will say/find.  We had a real scare with her a couple years ago.  They found a tumor on one of her ovaries.  Had surgery and it was benign. (Her surgery was two years to the day mine is scheduled for.)  Let me tell you that the initial thought of what she might be facing affected me more than my own recent health concern.  It was a really rough couple weeks but we got through that.  All she needs now is to find out why her hips hurt almost all the time.  I assume it's from being in retail on your feet 8-10 hours a day for 30 years.  It's difficult to watch her when she simply tries to stand from a seated position.  She rarely complains but I can see how she struggles with it.  It hurts me to watch.  She will get some X-rays and see where we go from there.  Hopefully it won't be anything really serious but I suspect she will need some sort of anti-inflammatory to help her function better.  Not trying to do the doc's job but I hope and suspect it is arthritis and nothing more serious since it's both hips.  Other than that he says she is very healthy, YAY!

Got the blood drawn and peed in a cup and various forms filled out at the hospital for the upcoming surgery.  No idea how many forms there were but it was a lot.  A little less then 2 weeks to go now. 

This getting old ain't for pansies.  My parents didn't spend as much time as we are at our age going to the doctors.  At least it doesn't seem like it.  But I have been a regular with the doc's going 2-3 times a year for the last 17 years to stay good with my diabetes.   I hope we can get a bit of relief from doctor visits, but I doubt it will.  There will be many more appointments due to my recent issues for the foreseeable future.  The alternative isn't so pleasant is what I tell myself.  Grateful for good insurance and not that government supported mess.

Always thought it strange to hear folks say, when you ask them how they are, 'well I'm still here' or something similar.  Now I do it, when asked how I am I say, 'still this side of dirt.'  Better than the alternative lol.

I know I say this all the time but, it really could be worse.  We have a lot to be thankful for and try to focus on that.  Regardless of how what I write here sounds , we are doing really well and are not depressed or anxious about things.  This is just for me to document events and thoughts as they happen as I have mentioned before.

Happy Trails pard's


Terry and Linda said...

And in the end there is hope and hope is a huge word full of goodness!


Randy said...

Yes, because of that hope I have happiness and have no fear of what awaits me.