Monday, April 15, 2024


Fiesta starts this Thursday in San Antonio.  I don't do Fiesta anymore.  It gets way too crowded and parking is impossible to find, but if you do luck out and find a place in a lot, be ready to shell out big $$.  I haven't been in over 20 years.  The last time I did that was when I marched in the vangaurd as a Confederate Soldier.  That was back when it wasn't politically incorrect to portray one.  I was part of a group that did living history and we were tasked with being in the Fiesta Flambeau parade.  If your not familiar with the Flambeau it is the huge night parade that signifies the end of Fiesta.  I couldn't pass that up plus it was good exposure for our small group.  Back then, they said it drew over 300,000 people downtown to watch it.  Talk about your parking nightmare.  I'm sure the numbers are much higher now.  When I was a kid you could just drive down there and walk to a spot along the route and set up your lawn chairs and watch a great parade.  Not anymore.  If you want to watch it live, you have to pay for a seat well in advance.  It was pretty warm that evening I marched.  Had some major trouble with the heat and was stumbling by the time we got to the end.  Those wool uniforms were very good at causing you to overheat.

Met with the Pain doc and he wants to shoot me with another steroid shot.  I will take him up on that.  He thinks there is a possibility that my fall that broke all those ribs might have affected the work he did prior.  He says the next abalation will work better and hopefully longer but he can't perform it until we are six months out.  I am a leaning toward another try with that then.

We have been trying to catch up on some of the yard work.  Both of us are not getting much done due to our various ailments.  But it's getting done.  WE are just too much DIYer's to give up yet.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

That is a shame, but also understandable... Popular is now crowded, and honestly, I'm staying away from ANYTHING with crowds right now. I'm also to the point that I'm just paying the man to do stuff...sigh