It has been pretty quiet around here, just mundane chores around the outside mostly. I have some Bermuda seed planted in the bad spots in the yard. It has finally made an appearance after almost 2 weeks. Thanks in part to the mixture of some rain and sunshine. However it is not as abundant as I had hope for. In the past all I did was broadcast it on the bad spots and watered it daily. I did the same this time yet results are not as prolific as previous. Evidently there is way too much dead matter above the soil for it to take root. I should have scarified the ground more than I did. Even though we have raked leaves multiple times, it appears to not be enough. And I certainly didn't do it after spreading the seeds. The instructions on the bag would have been a good place to start is seems. So I will wait a few weeks for the new sprouts to take better hold and go back with more seed along with the increased scarifying of the ground where the seed has failed to get started. I thought I knew what I was doing based on previous successful efforts.
The garden is doing pretty great. Tomato plants have gone into high gear with the rain/sun mix. Although it probably could be better but the weather has turned off cooler and cloudier of late. Onions are doing OK but my potatoes have exploded. They were sprouting within 3 days of planting. Last year it was more than 2 weeks. No idea why the change. I just plant 'em and give a little fertilizer and water and get out of the way. I hope this is an indication the actual potatoes will develop into larger ones this time. I used the gold variety again since the Russets last fall were a huge bust.
My Mother has a follow up doctor appointment today. She insisted on going alone this time. She apparently thinks 'K' or my Sister-in-law being there hampers things. Unfortunately she remembers nothing from the previous visits. She has not followed his previous instructions since she doesn't remember them and argues when she is told about them. Hopefully he can get her to understand why he wants her to do the things he prescribed. But she seems to be going in with a combative approach even though she remembers nothing but what we have told her. We have taken measures to hopefully get the transcript of her appointment so things don't go to far off the rails. Yes, he has someone record the visit. Smart man since he deals mostly with elderly.
'K' surprised me with a road-trip request. I was certainly not prepared. I can't blame her. We have been pretty much homebodies for the last 15 years and the stress of dealing with my Mother lately has added to the desire to get out of town. However the place/time she chose is not conducive to avoiding hot weather. I have offered a compromise for October. Inviting some family would add to the fun and giving them more time to plan make it more appealing. She thought that was a great idea. I gotta try to keep from sandbagging us, but I'm a planner and 'K' is more a spur of the moment type. I look at all the things that could be an issue, she looks at very few-just go and let things deal with themselves, I wish I could do that. How we ever get along is a wonder.
Happy Trails