Son #2 and his wife (she had COVID along with the Granddaughter) got tested again yesterday. 'IF' all goes well, we are planning on finally having Christmas with them this coming Saturday. Lord willing. We have left all the Christmas decorations in place. If not, we may not have an actual 'event' for Christmas. February brings many Birthdays, the Granddaughters is the earliest on the 5th. There is a chance that they will have house guests then. That will keep us from being there for that possibly as those guests don't practice any COVID protocols. We are missing the baby quite a bit. Since she was born she has been at our house overnight almost every week. This has been a long stretch. The new pup has helped with that by having our attention focused on him.
I have not been able to get a vaccination yet even though I am in the B1 category. It appears that as soon as some becomes available it is reserved within a few minutes. Personally I think there is some monkey business going on with that. I am not really going to search for any and twist my panties about it until it gets more widely available. I know those eligible for the first round have to get a second round within a certain time frame or they are back to square one. As bad as availability is on the first round I'm sure the second round will be just as bad or worse. If they pass the deadline, do they get to get back in line again for the first round ahead of those that haven't gotten it yet? I'm sure they will. So I'll just go about my life as usual until I am sure I can get the entire vaccine and not worry about it.
We are hearing about more and more of our friends and family coming down with the chinaflu. It gets closer and more prevalent each day. My Mother was exposed the week before last from her hair dresser. I just shake my head. You would have to know my mother to understand that. I don't think she should be going to a hair dresser every week but she doesn't care about what I think so I say nothing. She has always been high maintenance. All I can do is pray for her safety.
I was visiting with our IRA manager the other day and he had been on a conference call. One of the things they discussed was COVID. There are over 100 strains now despite what we are hearing about that one new strain. That is pretty typical of any virus so I don't doubt it. I don't doubt it despite there being no widespread news about it.
I don't mean to be a downer but....
Happy Trails
1 comment:
Yay! A little good news is nice to hear! Hopefully the delayed Christmas comes off! Re the injection, I'm on the fence about getting it due to the number of 'odd' reactions and deaths.
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