Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Light This Week

I will be up at the church building in the mornings this week helping out with VBS.  Consequently posting will likely be a little lighter than usual unless my mind wakes up a bit more.

We are having fun coming up with suggested names for the 'on the way' Grandkid.  Several have been shot down without so much as a thought.  Wynn Chester, Remington Colt, Duke Eastwood are all no goes.  Of course it is the Daughter in Law that is so disagreeable to these excellent names.  It's all in fun and part of the joy of having kids and Grandkids.  There have been numerous others that have equally been shot down.  I thought Ronald Reagan was a fine choice and to make it more appealing to my comic book writer Son changed it to Raygun.  He immediately changed that to Ray Gun.  But alas, that didn't fly either.  Well she is from Arizona and not Texas so we have that to deal with LOL.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

LOL, good luck with the VBS!