I saw this news article and the video the other day. Low Life Scum I just can't fathom the type of mindset that does this sort of thing, but especially the pond scum bottom feeders that rifled the man's pockets and walk away unconcerned. Yes, I know this garbage happens more often than we know, I'm not that naive. But it really got me tight in the jaws to see this woman bystander going through his pockets unconcerned that he needed help with life threatening injuries and walks away. There is a special place in hell for these type animals.
This is the society that is becoming more and more prevalent today. I blame a lot on the politicians that have given handouts to those that have no desire to work for themselves or their families. This attitude that has developed over the last couple or three generations is mostly due to the fact they have been raised with no accountability. Each successive generation just enlarges this section of the populace. This cannot be sustained. One day it will all come back to haunt us for allowing our politicians to do this. Yes, it is much more complicated and detailed that I don't want to delve into. But the longer this goes on, we get farther and farther from a society that has a sense of morality and responsibility. We may be too far gone as it is. I hope not, but I don't see any organized group that is stepping up to offer solutions. May the Lord help us and step in.
I still wish you Happy Trails, even though I am not feeling so happy.
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I am having some issues with blogger sending me email notifications when a comment has been made. It has just stopped doing it for some reason and I haven't been able to correct it. Any ideas?