Friday, December 8, 2017

Good News Finally

NO CANCER CELLS found!  She continues to improve.  I have come down with some sort of sinus issue so I haven't been down to see her since Tuesday.  Can't risk her catching something else from me.  No, I am not sure what it is, an infection of allergy.  I don't have any real known allergies.

All of South Texas is going nuts from the snow.  We haven't had a substantial snow here in over 30 years, back when we had the record breaking 13.5 inches in 85 or 86.

I just got word from my doctor friend I should be safe to see the wife.  I am gone.


CenTexTim said...

Maybe you're allergic to the snow... :-)

Glad to hear the good news. You deserve some.

Old NFO said...

Agree with Tim! Y'all are overdue!

Randy said...