Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day

Do you have any special plans for Memorial Day?  It has always been the kick off of Summer for most everyone I know.  Until the last decade or so I only gave the day a passing notice of what it truly represented much to my chagrin.  While our family had it's share of veterans we never lost anyone to war and this goes back as far as the Texas Revolution in 1836.  I have participated in several Memorial sevices at a cemetery here.  I would get my period uniform and proceed to give due respect with a company of like-minded history buffs to those that died in an earlier war.  This included musket and cannon salutes and a bagpiper and plenty of speechifying.  And very HOT.

My Mom and Dad had a place up on the Medina River outside Bandera and we all would gather there to kick off the summer.  It was great.  I have missed it ever since they sold it back in the early 80's.  There had been a devastating flood one year and it changed everything along the river so much it disheartened them, so they got rid of it sadly.  They could not see the future and how the landscape would come back.  It isn't the same today as it was almost 40+ years ago but it is still pretty nice.  'K' and I were talking about how much we missed it and all the things we did.  Fishing for me was the big thing even though most everything I caught went back in the river.  There was tubing the river and it had some really great rapids that added excitement and then all the food Mom and my Grandmother and 'K' would make.  Just being with family.  Good Times.  

We will not do anything like any of that and haven't since those days.  No cookouts, no get togethers either, sadly.  I will break out my copy of Band of Brothers and sit inside where it's cool while 'K' wrangles the 5 year old Granddaughter.  I will also say a prayer for those that have sacrificed so much for our country along with their families.  

If you have lost someone to war, I pray for you and your sacrifice.

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