Thursday, July 14, 2022

Heat and Breakfast Tacos

The teenager stay was pretty OK, not much conversation but she didn't seem too disgusted by my antics.  So I guess that's a success.  Today the other Granddaughter, the 3.5 year old comes to stay through Sunday as her parents have a show at a convention.  

'K' is having another bout with her diverticulitis but it doesn't really slow her down this time.  We thought at first she had food poisoning.  It was just different than previous times.  Having fever made her think otherwise.  She is getting some antibiotics to get that fixed up.  It's just that they mess up other things that need other meds.  What a mess.

I had 'breakfast tacos' yesterday.  They weren't all that unique to me, just an every day thing here.  What were they thinking when they wrote that speech and how did she not realize how stupid it sounded.  I guess when you are surrounded by stupid it permeates everything.  Yet the press is letting it quietly die.  Now if Trump or Elon said that...If you've been up with the news you know what I'm talking about.

The weather here is the really only news anyone cares about.  It just keeps getting hotter and in the next couple days more of that African dust will hit us.  I was reading a prediction for weather in July for the Central Texas.  It will continue the hot trend and continue to increase in temps.  They even had a specific day and place for one area just north of Waco, it would be 116 degrees on July 28.  Not a typo.  The record in Central Texas is 114.  I still haven't heard anyone venture to give a reason for this long stretch of record heat.  We had 105 yesterday, then a few clouds moved in and it went down to 103.  Ugh.  Only good thing is, NO yard work when it's this hot.  But my yard is looks bad.  It would look worse if I was passed out in it from heat stroke.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

We are currently in the second year of La Niña cooling in the Pacific ocean. The current La Niña event started in September 2020 and continued through mid-May 2022 across the tropical Pacific. Some of the predictions have it continuing into next year, which is VERY unusual. That's what is causing the temps/drought we're seeing. Sigh. Glad the grands worked out okay.

Randy said...

@Old NFO, I guessed that it might be a La Nina or El Nino. Usually the weather folks will talk about that and they may have and I missed it. Thanks