Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What I Have Been Up To

Obviously I have been away from the PC for an extended period.  I actually haven't thought about posting here other than a quick passing of thought about doing something, but you deserve better.  One of the reasons is due to my neck/back.  If I stay in front of it for an extended period I pay the price.  I am trying to give the work my chiropractor did a chance to work and heal before I mess it up again.  I cut the grass in the back yard Saturday and somehow it tweaked my lower back and I have been really hurting the last couple days.  Today I am much better but still taking it very easy.  Ice, heat, exercise and brace, repeat.  Oh and ibuprofen.  

We have had the baby since Sunday night.  The people that live with her have come down with some sort of stomach bug that really knocked them down.  So far she has been spared from catching it.  But 'K' has come down with a cold while she is here and she will most likely get that with all the very close contact they have.  Hope not since we will have her 1st birthday party at our house this Saturday.

I don't remember if I mentioned this before and I am too lazy to look.  I have been trying to get our congregation to implement a security plan since September 2017 after an incident in Nashville by mentioning it to our elders.  There have others that have also.  They have addressed some things over that time but no actual security detail in place.  Just to get cut this short, since it was very long on the first time writing this and and some of my frustration showed.  I am working on a proposed plan and security team.  Yes, I am extremely aware of my limitations and '0' experience, but that is what we have to work with.  Pray for me.

Happy Trails

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Hope things get better, and 'some' plan is better than no plan.

Randy said...

thank you sir